As we learned from our latest blog post about dogs & cats, microgreens can be a very healthy addition to your pets' diet! Microgreens can be beneficial for our other animal friends as well, from birds to rabbits to tortoises! In order to closely replicate the natural diets that your pet would eat in the wild, you should choose the variety and quantity of Microgreens based on whether your pet is carnivorous or herbivorous. Just as humans, every animal is a little different! Be sure to consult your veterinarian about the best diet plan for your pet. Birds Parrots, finches, canaries and other pet birds require a varied, nutritious diet of seeds, flowers, insects and fruits and vegetables. If you have a picky eater on your hands, offer the microgreens in different ways such as chopped, whole, or mixed with other food -and remember that it may take a bit for your bird to get excited enough to try it. :D Most leafy greens are great choices for your pet bird, but it would be best to avoid any spicy varieties, such as radish and wasabi-mustard.¹ Microgreens are great for your birds because the fiber tends to break down easier and compared to full grown plants & it cleanses their digestive tracts while giving them the right nutrients! Microgreens are full of Omega 3’s, minerals and fiber, vitamins and anti-cancer polyphenols.¹ Photo taken by: Debbie Vena, Hamama Grower Photo taken by: Angela Marie, Hamama Grower Photo taken by: Allie, Happiness Team Member Photo taken by: Janel Hafer, Hamama Grower For more cuteness overload, check out this adorable video of Christine’s bird enjoying Hamama microgreens! Reptiles Reptile diets should be complete, balanced, and specific to their age and lifestyle! Whether feeding a tortoise, turtle, iguana or lizard, keep these five elements of reptile nutrition top-of-mind: Water, protein, energy (carbohydrates), vitamins/minerals, & treats/snacks.² Reptile owners can incorporate greens and veggies into their pet’s diet! For bearded dragons specifically, greens and vegetables are exactly what you should give them all day every day! Kale, Radish, Cabbage, and arugula are great choices for your bearded dragon! Before age one they will be primarily eating insects/protein, then should transition to more of an 80/20 vegetable to protein/insect diet! Bonus: It’s oh-so-cute to watch them nibbling on their Hamama greens!³ Bearded dragons are notoriously picky & stubborn eaters, so you may need to get creative and stay persistent (Mix it up, hand feed, add a pinch of bee pollen to the greens, and start the habits young)! Watch Randy the bearded dragon go nuts for his cabbage micros! Thanks for sharing, Tamara! When it comes to Tortoises such as cute Rocky here, grasses, such as our Sweet Wheatgrass, Cover, Kale, Cabbage and salad mixes are good to consume occasionally. Microgreen varieties to avoid feeding your tortoise include Broccoli & Wasabi-Mustard microgreens. The total diet should consist of about 20 percent greens/veggies.² Rocky the Tortoise Can’t get enough? Check out Keiki the Tortoise enjoying some Zesty Hamama greens! Thanks for sharing, Janice :) Rabbits Rabbits are herbivores who love hay, veggies and greens! Actually, hay contains just about all of the nutrients rabbits need and it should make up about 70-90% of their diet. Microgreens make a great addition (10-30%) to your rabbit’s daily diet - wheatgrass, broccoli, kale, clover and fenugreek microgreens are all great choices! Avoid arugula, radish, and wasabi microgreens in large amounts (just give as an occasional treat if desired!) as they have more intense & spicy flavors and are slightly higher in sugar/carbs which are not good for Rabbits in large amounts.⁴ Overall, microgreens can provide your rabbit with lots of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, folate, protein and more! Known to be more nutrient dense than their mature counterparts, microgreens are also generally easier on your rabbit’s digestive tract than full grown greens or veggies since they have a higher water content and have a more tender texture.⁵ Thanks for the photos of your munchkins, Rachel Kieffer! (Hamama Grower) Guinea Pigs & Hamsters Very similar to rabbits, a guinea pig’s diet should be around 70-80% hay, supplemented with vegetables, leafy greens and pellets. An easy guide for diet breakdown: guinea pigs should get about ½ cup of greens per 1 pound of body weight daily. So, if your guinea pig weighs 2 pounds, he/she should get around 1 cup of fresh greens daily!⁶ It’s recommended that you gradually introduce new greens/veggies to your guinea pig to avoid overwhelming their digestive tract and upsetting their tummies.⁶ Microgreens can aid in everything from optimizing immune health to maintaining heart health for hamsters and guinea pigs, while also giving them necessary vitamins & minerals to thrive!⁶ Healthy Hamama microgreens for your Guinea Pigs include, Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage, Wheatgrass, Arugula and Radish (the salad mixes would be good too)! Giving small portions of certain microgreens is best for these little guys so they don’t take in too much calcium which can cause bladder stones.⁶ Moderation is best! Aww, Thanks for sharing this adorable video, Angela (Hamama Grower)! Check out this sweet video of Winky the Siberian hairless hamster, Kim (Hamama Grower)! Too cute not to share! I can relate to this little guy’s love of greens :D Thanks for sharing, Holly (Hamama grower)! I know it can be hard to share your precious greens, but how can you resist after seeing these cute videos and pictures!?! :D We’d love to see your furry, feathered, or scaly friends enjoying their Hamama greens too! Please share with us below! Be sure to check out our other animal friends enjoying their greens on our Hamama Friends Facebook Page! - Carolyn & Allie Sources: Eating Well: The Best Food for your Pet Bird. Lafeber Company · Cornell, IL USA. 2009-2020. The Periodic Table of Reptile Nutrition. Mazuri, Exotic Animal Nutrition. PMI Nutrition International, 2018. Bearded Dragon Diet Guide: Stacey, Reptile Guide. September 29, 2019. PDF: Cheeke, Peter R. Rabbit Feeding and Nutrition. Orlando: Academic Press, 1987 House Rabbit Society: A non-profit rabbit rescue and education organization. “Suggested Vegetables and fruits for a Rabbit Diet.” November 2016. Oxbow Animal Health: “What Are the Best Vegetables and Leafy Greens for Guinea Pigs?” March 15, 2019