

December is going by sooo fast, and if you are like us you might be a little worried about your holiday shopping list. Every year we either wait until the last minute or stress ourselves out over buying the latest most expensive item. This year has been stressful enough! :D That is why we claim this holiday season as the year of the regift!  Regifting sometimes gets the side eye from most people. It can be seen as lazy, but we are here to share some tips on how your regift can outshine all other gifts!

Tip 1: Thoughtfulness

This should be a no brainer, but make sure that you put time and thoughtfulness into your regift. Just because you are not spending money does not mean that you don’t have to put thought into your gift. Create a list of all of your giftee’s favorite things. Then go through your items and see what best matches their likes and personalities. For example, if you know that your friend loves your taste in jewelry. Go through your jewelry and decide what item best suits your friend.

Tip 2: Presentation is Key!

This is where you can shine. Make sure that you take the time to wrap your regift. Pick out a beautiful wrapping paper or a nice gift bag and go all out. Also include a personalized card. Take some time and really tell that person how grateful you are for them. Even tease them a little bit on why this gift reminded you of them.

Tip 3: Be Honest

You have nothing to be ashamed of if you regift an item. There is nothing wrong with recycling an item that meant so much to you. We live in a world where excess is everywhere, and we are constantly trying to limit single use items or unnecessary purchases. So don’t be afraid to be honest with your giftee. You can use phrases like, “I saw this in my house and it immediately made me think of you” or “This used to bring me so much joy and I wanted to share it with you! Be creative, but never ashamed.

You see, regifting is possible and can be really fun! We want to share with you some Hamama regifting/upcycle gems. Did you know that your coconut mat can be up-cycled in many different ways. I am talking Christmas decorations ways. Check out our blog post on upcycling. I promise you will thanks us later:

Up-cycling your HAMAMA Coconut Mats

Did you purchase our Superfood Superstar Bundle and have an extra Grow Tray in your home? If so, you can give the gift of Hamama to someone you love. Print off our instructions and place it in a cute gift bag. Viola! You have a wonderful gift full of love and health to give!

At the end of the day regift or gifting is all about giving. Giving is the real star of the season, and as long as you are giving with a cheerful heart then you can’t go wrong.

Share the gift of health!

Happy Holidays from the Hamama Family!!

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