It’s time to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring! Springtime is one of our favorite times of the year. The birds are chirping, the flowers are starting to bloom and the days start getting a little longer. If you don't know how to get in the mood for Spring, no worries, we got your back. Here are our top three ways to prepare for your best spring yet. 🌷 Stock Up on some Hamama Greens Spring is the perfect time to start a Hamama garden. There is nothing like seeing multiple trays filled with fresh microgreens. Our Stock Up Bundle includes 36 seed quilts and three free grow trays. That way you can maximize your microgreen growing! Not only will it brighten up your house, but it will also make for some delicious meals. Start your day with a tasty Cherry Berry Blast Cabbage Smoothie then have a Spicy Vegan Egg Roll in a Bowl for a scrumptious lunch and end the day with a hearty Pesto Quinoa Salad with Roasted Vegetables. All of these recipes scream SPRING IS HERE! :) You can also check out our Green Onion Kit for a chic and easy way to regrow your green onions! You can go support your local farmer’s market to purchase your green onions for the kit then have a continuous supply for all of your Spring cooking! Spring Cleaning Out with the old and in with new. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to declutter and deep clean the areas of your house that you have been avoiding. We know that cleaning is not the funnest activity that spring has to offer, but just like anything you can bring your own special flare to make it fun. Plus, the “fresh start” feeling you get at the end makes it all worth it! Open the windows to let some fresh air and sunshine in and crank up your favorite tunes [check out our Hamama playlist]! That should immediately get you in the mood to clean house! Go Outside Lastly, go outside and smell the flowers. Being outside is so good for our mental health. Allow the sunshine to hit every part of your body. Take a walk, play frisbee with a friend, go on a long drive with the windows down, sit at a park and just enjoy. Double the fun and pack a picnic to enjoy outdoors with friends and family. Make a batch of Elle’s Broccamole or Clover Black Bean Salsa to share! Nature is truly a pleasure that we all should be able to enjoy. After hunkering down for Winter for the past several months, our bodies and souls really need it! So go absorb it all! We hope that these tips help you get excited for all the fun that the springtime has to offer. Share with us your favorite springtime activities! We would love to hear from you! Happy Spring from Team Hamama!